2024 Presentation Guidelines

(scroll down for poster guidelines)

For Oral Presentations

Authors making oral presentations must submit a full paper to the ICSD organizers by August 1, 2023, or risk losing their presentation slot. We will begin accepting full papers on June 1, 2024, via an Oral Presentations Airtable Form. Full papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and used to inform the presentation order. It is optional to also have your paper published as a conference proceeding (not peer-reviewed); check the box to opt-out as you prefer.

Papers must meet the following guidelines:

  1. Papers cannot be longer than 9 pages including figures and tables, excluding bibliographies.
  2. The top of the page should include the paper title, a list of all the authors and their affiliations (Ex. John Doe, Professor, University of Illinois), and full contact details for the corresponding author (email, phone number, and mailing address).
  3. Text should be in 11 point Arial font and single-spaced.
  4. Citations should follow the Chicago Manual of Style and use footnotes.
  5. template of a full paper format is available to download.

**Important: We encourage you to incorporate feedback you receive at the event into your paper. You will have the opportunity to submit an updated manuscript after the event.**

To submit your paper, please login to your Google Workspace account. Please respond to the required questions in the Google Form and upload your paper, selecting if you wish to have your paper published in the conference proceedings. You will have a chance to update your title and authors if necessary. Please note, once you’ve completed your submission, you cannot go back and edit it. You may email us if there are corrections needed. If you have any questions, please write to info@ic-sd.org.

All oral presenters will present virtually. Each will be given 10 minutes to present their work and an additional 5 minutes for Q&A, for a total of 15 minutes. Presenters will be able to share their screens for a slide presentation, but this is not required. Presentations will be done on Zoom Webinar. Almost all presentation software is compatible with Zoom, however videos are not recommended as the quality will be poor and there may be technical difficulties with sound. You will have to share your own screen and advance your own slides. More guidance on how presenters will connect through Zoom will be provided in August. The full program will be announced by mid-August, and we will do our utmost to accommodate presenters’ time zones.

For Poster Presentations

Authors making poster presentations must submit their posters to the ICSD organizers by August 1, 2024, or risk losing their presentation slot. We will begin accepting posters on June 1, 2024, via a Poster Presentations Airtable Form.

This year’s posters will be displayed in our online virtual event poster gallery on this ICSD conference website. Once the event is live, all posters will be available to view.

To submit your poster, please login to your Google Workspace account. Please respond to the required questions in the Google Form and upload your poster. You will have a chance to update your title and authors if necessary. Please note, once you’ve completed your submission, you cannot go back and edit it. You may email us if there are corrections needed. If you have any questions, please write to info@ic-sd.org.

Poster presentations must meet the following guidelines:

  1. All posters must be uploaded as a one page PDF.
  2. Poster presentations cannot be larger than 5MB.
  3. presentation sample/template is available for download should you require assistance. You are not required to use this layout (but you are required to keep it to one page).
  4. While participants will be able to zoom in or out on your poster, we suggest using at minimum Arial 17 point font for readability.
  5. There are no required dimensions for the posters, just the 5MB file size restriction.

Should you have any additional questions, please visit our FAQ or email us at info@ic-sd.org.